Campaign reduces credit card fraud |
Losses in fraudulent transactions at jewellery and goldsmith's shops have reduced by over $500,000 since Crime Prevention Bureau (CPB) and Regional Crime Prevention Offices launched a crime prevention campaign last October in conjunction with the Credit Card Risk Reduction Group and the Hong Kong and Kowloon Jewellers' and Goldsmith's Associations. The figure represents an over 80 per cent drop, compared with losses for October and November in 2003. Aiming at deterring credit card fraud at sale points, the campaign has aroused sale staff's awareness of preventing the use of stolen or loss credit cards in purchases of expensive goods at jewellery and goldsmith's shops. The campaign is indeed a big success, demonstrating that in the fight against crime partnership between police and business sector is the way forward to ensure Hong Kong remains one of the safest cities in the world. To show its appreciation, Credit Card Risk Reduction Group representatives recently called at CPB and presented plaques to the Force and the Jewellers' and Goldsmith's Associations.
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