Burglaries drop in NTN

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The number of burglaries reported in New Territories North Region in 2004 has dropped by 17.3 per cent to 1,615 cases from 1,954 cases in 2003. Among the cases, those involving village houses fell to 600 cases in 2004 from 800 cases in 2003.

This improved situation was reported by NTN Acting Regional Commander Ling Sin-ching at a Workshop on Prevention of Village House Burglary, held by the Region for over 120 Rural Committee representatives, village elders and village representatives last month. By way of the workshop, the Region hoped to further strengthen relations and communications with the attendants.

Mr Ling rounded off his briefing with an appeal to villagers to take preventive measures and uphold the spirits of good neighbourhood and mutual help to prevent burglaries.

Following Mr Ling's appeal, Chief Inspector Tsang Hung-lit of NTN Regional Crime Prevention Office (RCPO) briefed all representatives on burglars' modus operandi and offered advice on measures to enhance home safety.

In order to highlight the importance of co-operation between police and community in preventing burglaries, members of Task Forces and Action Teams from various precincts in NTN cited cases in which arrests were made as a result of such co-operation.

The Region also reinforced its messages and advice by arranging some security companies to exhibit their anti-burglary equipment and other products at the venue.

The workshop came on the heeds of a series of initiatives taken by NTN RCPO and the various Police Community Relations Offices in the Region to prevent the large number of new and old village houses from falling preys to burglary. The initiatives included visits to rural committees, meetings with village representatives, and talks and advice on prevention of burglary.

With the Region covering a very large area, NTN RCPO will continue with their community and educational efforts, while crime officers will spare no efforts in detection and intelligence gathering.

Anti-burglary messages and advice are reinforced through introduction of security equipment and related products

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