First JPO appointed PI through open recruitment |
A JPO has been appointed Probationary Inspector under a new scheme introduced in December 2003 for JPOs to join the inspectorate in competition with other direct entry applicants through open recruitment. The PI, who entered Police Training School on April 11, is among the 40 JPOs who have applied under the new scheme, which is part of the Force's human resources strategy to enhance the promotion prospect of qualified JPOs, as an alternative to the Potential Officer Scheme. About 10 of these applicants are still undergoing the selection process. On the other hand, 152 JPOs have been nominated by their Formation Commanders under the Potential Officer Scheme for 2005/06, an increase for 41 per cent as compared with 108 in 2004/05. Fifty-two (34 per cent) of these Potential Officers passed the written examination early this month, which assesses their Chinese and English language proficiency - an encouraging result as compared with 28 (26 per cent) in 2004/05. They will attend Extended Interviews next month. More opportunity is being given to JPOs to improve their language skills. The Recruitment Division has assisted the JPOA to design language courses in partnership with a local university since 2003. Feedback from the participating officers has been positive. In the 2004/05 exercise, six JPOs were appointed Probationary Inspector, as compared with two in 2003/04. Since the granting of exemption by the Government in December 2004 for the Force to recruit 950 officers, including not more than 50 Inspectors, 10 Probationary Inspectors and 213 Constables have been recruited this month and in January. Recruit intakes have been scheduled to take place at intervals of two to three months until March 2006 to fill the remaining 727 recruitment vacancies.
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