More undergraduates join Police Mentorship Programme | |||
One hundred university undergraduates started getting a feel of police work on April 16 when they attended the inauguration ceremony for the Police Mentorship Programme for 2005/06 at PHQ Multi-Purpose Hall. Forming the new intake of Police Mentees under the mentorship programme for 2005/06, these undergraduates have been selected from eight local universities. The Police Mentorship Programme was launched in 2004 with the aims of facilitating the social and personal developments of the Mentees and giving them an insight into police work, as well as allowing Police Mentors to make a contribution to their Alma Mater. Officiating at the inauguration ceremony, Director of Personnel & Training, Mr Tsang Wai-hung, said: "This is a very meaningful programme, under which a group of Police officers from various formations, who are graduates of local universities, volunteer to use their spare time to help the development of the students from the same universities, giving them an insight into the police career, and sharing with them the positive values of life." "Through this meaningful voluntary service, we hope the Police Mentors, apart from contributing to the Force and their Alma Mater, would also help to nurture talents for society in the long term," he added. A total of 32 police officers, from Senior Inspectors to Senior Superintendents, have joined the programme as Police Mentors, including 26 who joined in 2004/05. Each Mentor will maintain regular contacts with a small group of Mentees from his or her parent university and devise activities for them until their graduation. The Mentors will act as a role model for the Mentees and share their experiences, as well as the ups and downs of the career of a police officer. Meanwhile, Recruitment Division will be coordinating and organising more group visits for Mentees to see for themselves the different facets of police work, and to appreciate the life of a police officer through informal discussions and experience sharing with frontline officers and their supervisors at different ranks and posts. Visits were made last year to Police Training School, Police Tactical Unit Headquarters, Border District and Marine Regional Headquarters. Since the launching of the Police Mentorship Programme, very favourable comments have been received from Mentees, Mentors and the universities participating in the programme, in addition to recognition of the programme's progress. As for the 100 Mentees who formed the first intake of the mentorship programme for 2004, their participation will conclude later this year. Many of them have shown great interest in police work and hope to join the Force after their graduation later in the year. So far, about half of them have already submitted applications for the post of Inspector. A website for the Police Mentorship Programme has been created by Human Resources Branch, Personnel Wing, and uploaded onto POINT to provide updated information and photos on activities.
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