Ten PIs pass out from PTS |
May 14, 2005 was no doubt an unforgettable day for the 10 Probationary Inspectors who passed out from Police Training School (PTS). During the ceremony, they received from the Commissioner the stars and warrant cards, and will begin a new chapter in their career with the Force. The ceremony was simple but solemn, where the senior management also gave the young officers a lot of encouragement and advice. The officers could hardly hold back overwhelming feelings, especially the five who have been promoted from the JPO rank. For them, it was their second passing out from PTS but their feelings were quite different. When they passed out as RPC, everything was so fresh, and being young and green, they were overwhelmed by excitement and the longing for all sorts of exposure and challenges. However, for them as a probationary inspector, the star signifies not only a rank, but also responsibility, leadership and commitment. They are looking forward to a rewarding and satisfying career, as well as to contributing to the development of the Force. For one of the Force-entry officers, PI Leung Lap, who was awarded the Commissioner's Certificate of Academic Merit, the key to success was "to set a clear goal for yourself, strive hard for it and never give up". This is the motto not only for PI Leung, but also for the other PIs under training in PTS (including another Force-entry officer) and all the potential officers who are working hard for their career development. One of the five direct-entry PIs joined the Auxiliary (Undergradute) Recruitment Scheme as a constable in June 2003. Following the selection process for the Potential Officer Scheme 2005/2006 and the written examination in March, 52 officers will attend the Extended Interview this month and the final interview next month. No doubt they are working for their goal of making their way into the Inspectorate.
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