Master your English |
Even today when I come across a new vocabulary, I will write it down and look it up at the dictionary," said Mr Victor Fung, Communications Director of the City University of Hong Kong, when he addressed Force members at the "Effective Learning of English" knowledge sharing seminar recently. The Force Working Group on the Use of Official Languages organised the seminar in the Auditorium in Arsenal House for 120 officers, mostly JPOs, as one of its initiatives to promote the use of English. In his opening address, Chief Superintendent David Gunton, Chairman of the Working Group, introduced Mr Fung as a "heavy-weight" speaker, whose impressive resume includes being the first Chinese Deputy Editor of the South China Morning Post. Most of the audience were very spontaneous during the Q & A session, particularly eager to get some hints and tips for learning English. Mr Fung's advice was to practise speaking and listening by talking to expatriates and watching English-language TV channels. "It took me ten years to master the language!" said Mr Fung when he emphasised the importance of discipline and will for learning a language. Mr Fung also shared with the audience some tips on effective learning of English, which can be found from the articles he, as a columnist, wrote in Ming Pao and Metro Daily. With his kind permission, the articles have been reproduced on the Force Notice Board. Access can be made via 'Force Notice Board' Ñ> '6. Training' Ñ> 'Effective Learning of English Ñ Articles (ip-sip-hq-2-crm 2005-06-29)'.
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