OPS Wing embraces cutting-edge technology |
Operations Wing marked the successful completion of the first phase of the refurbished Headquarters Command and Control Centre (HQCCC) with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 29. This event signified an important milestone in the use of advanced technology by the Force in general, and command and control facilities in particular. Officiating at the ceremony were Commissioner Lee Ming-kwai and Senior Directorate Group officers. HQCCC now contains not only the new CC III radio equipment and CACCS3 computer-aided dispatch system, but also a stunning state-of-the-art Video Wall, which is comparable to or better than many similar facilities around the world. The Video Wall uses advanced Digital Light Processing technology and covers a large part of the main wall in HQCCC. The system is designed to show live images captured from free standing CCTVs, fixed Transport Department traffic monitors, Cable TV, helicopter-borne video and mobile video. The capabilities of the new HQCCC have been further enhanced by the introduction of the E-log system, which can provide event information simultaneously to other HICOMS by using the Lotus notes application. Shortly after its opening, the new HQCCC was put to the test during the operation to monitor the Public Order events and the HKSAR Establishment Day celebrations held on July 1. At the start of the operation, 31 officers of assistant commissioner to superintendent ranks attended a briefing by Director of Operations Yam Tat-wing and a presentation on the capabilities of the new HQCCC by Senior Superintendent Operations Evelyn Lam. All the officers were impressed by such a world-class facility. During July 1, all systems performed well and the operation went off very smoothly. Phase II of the refurbishment work, which is under way, covers the Counter Terrorist Control section of the HQCCC, as well as renovation of the old "Bridge", which will transform the section into a conference facility. This conference facility has been designed as an area where senior management can hold discussions away from the busy operations area, whilst still being able to view key events on the Video Wall. Phase II of the refurbishment work is expected to be completed by October this year. The Force is justifiably proud of the new facility, which is a showcase of its commitment to using modern technology and methods to improve service to frontline officers and members of the public.
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