Tuen Mun District rolls out first police-school website |
Tuen Mun District (TMDIST) and Lingnan University have jointly rolled out Hong Kong's first police-school network website, utilising today's highly developed information technology to reach out to young people in Tuen Mun. The "Tuen Mun Police/School Network" can be accessed online at www.In.edu.hk/tmpol.schnet. TMDIST provides and updates information for the website, while Lingnan University renders technical support. TMDIST and Lingnan University have been jointly organising different community programmes and activities over the years, such as "Project-X" in which Lingnan University students provide care, assistance and guidance for teenagers in Tuen Mun. In their new website, police and the university provide an efficient channel for young people in Tuen Mun to obtain updated information about crime prevention, a school ambassador scheme and JPC, etc from the police. Through the website, they can also keep in closer and more direct contact with Police Secondary School Liaison Officers, thereby advancing the relationship between police and community. The network website aims at providing an efficient means of electronic communication between the local schools and TMDIST, so that information about juvenile crime and relevant crime prevention advice can be promptly relayed to the school management in Tuen Mun. The website also offers local school discipline masters, parents and students a convenient means to contact Police School Liaison Officers. TMDIST and Lingnan University hope that the website will enhance the school-supporting network for the youth, help fight crime and promote good citizenship among them. A launching ceremony for the website was recently held at the Lingnan University, with representatives from a cross-section of the community officiating. Among the officiating guests were President of the university, Prof Edward Chen, TMDIST Commander Jawaid Khan, Assistant District Officer of Tuen Mun, Mr Kenneth Chan, Chief School Development Officer of Tuen Mun, Mrs Chan Ho Yin-ling, Chairman of District Fight Crime Committee of Tuen Mun, Mr Lam Tak-leung, Chairman of Tuen Mun District Secondary School Heads Association, Mr Tam Yat-yuk, and Organiser of Tuen Mun District Secondary School Discipline Masters Network, Mr Ko Cheung-chuen. Community representatives attending the ceremony included district fight crime committee members, school principals and secondary school discipline masters.
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