Veterans pass on knowledge and experiences |
New Territories North (NTN) Region has invited veteran crime officers to impart their knwledge and experiences to UB and CID officers from the Region in a series of Experience Sharing Workshops. The concept for holding the workshops originated from the idea of sharing operational "crime" experience among the different units in the Region, with particular emphasis on officers waiting for CID appointments, and those working in Special Duty Squads. The first workshop was held at NTN Regional Headquarters on July 29, with some 60 officers of PC to SP ranks attending talks on "Informer Handling" and "Buy and Bust Operations". Speaking at the inaugural workshop, SSP Crime NTN Cheung Kwai-kee elaborated on the purposes of the experience sharing sessions. He told the audience: "First, I hope, with the help of the speakers, you will become more aware of crime work and understand more the work in various areas and the difficulties of your job as well. As a result of this, you will be able to work with other units more smoothly. "Second, I hope everybody will know more about each other through these sessions, especially the speakers. When you come across difficulties at work in the future, don't hesitate to call the speaker in the area concerned direct. They are very pleased to offer their views."
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