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Force holds HKMC Phase III Briefing


The Force held the Phase III Hong Kong Ministerial Conference (HKMC) Awareness Campaign Briefing on August 31 and September 1, covering five major topics.

Mr Koo urges attendees to pass on HKMC information to their frontline officers

The topics were:

* Introduction of WTO and HKMC proceedings by Assistant Commissioner (Operations);

* Updates on Government and Force preparations for HKMC by C PTU;

* Updates on tactical training and observations of G8 protests by DC PTU;

* Traffic Management Plan by SSP OPS NTN, and

* Communication Plan for HKMC by SSP OPS NTS.

Assistant Commissioner (Operations), Henrique Koo, started off the briefing session with a concise introduction of the WTO, the mindset of anti-WTO protestors and their ultimate objectives, and an overview of the HKMC proceedings, as well as the setting and legal backings of the "Closed Area".

Mr Koo also urged the attendees to disseminate the general information of HKMC to frontline officers, and to encourage them to discuss the HKMC related matters with each other.

C PTU, Mr Bill Suen, informed the audience of the recent establishment of the Chief Secretary's High-level Committee and its functions, as well as the contingency plans of other government departments. As regards raising the private sector's awareness of the HKMC, the MCO, in conjunction with the Force, has been conducting a series of Sectorial Briefing to the most affected trades.

DC PTU, Mr Mike Cartwright, highlighted his observations of the policing of the G8 Summit 2005 in Scotland, and disclosed that a HKMC Tactics Manual was being finalised.

SSP OPS NTN, Mr Leung King-hang, then outlined the preparation and progress of traffic arrangements for the "arrival", "event" and "departure" phases. Extensive liaison with major external stakeholders had taken place during the planning process, he said.

In the final part of the briefing session, SSP OPS NTS, Mr Chu Fun-wing, referred to the communication plans for HKMC, and detailed the communication systems to be used in operational and the contingency measures.

As in previous sessions, the briefings concluded with a question-and-answer session during which valuable ideas were raised and discussed.

Editor: Peter Tiu: 2860-6171
Reporters: Veta Wong: 2860-6172
Tony Au Yeung: 2860-6173
Photographers: Almon Suen: 2860-6174
Benny Ho: 2860-6175
Fax: 2200-4309
Address: 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters,
No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Deadline for next edition: September 20, 2005

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