Conditions of Service and Discipline Branch Column
Early retirement

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To enable officers to have a better idea of their conditions of service, Conditions of Service and Discipline Branch of Personnel Wing started publishing tips on different topics regularly.

Question: "I'm SGT Chan, and I've opted for the New Pension Scheme. I'm considering retiring and would like to go to the UK to attend my daughter's university graduation ceremony next year. I'm already 50 years old. When will I be eligible for early retirement? What are the eligibility and procedures for early retirement?"

Answer: According to Civil Service Regulations, JPOs are required to give at least one month's notice, exclusive of pre-retirement leave. Since it takes time to process retirement and pensions related matters, applicants should make an application as early as possible. JPOs are required to complete the "Application for Early Retirement Form D", which can be downloaded from POINT. The application should be submitted to Personnel Wing through Formation Commanders. Final leave arrangements should also be set out in the form.

Enquiries should be directed to Conditions of Service Executive Officer (Retirement Benefits) on 2860-3388.

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