Tips for Smart Cops Series
Fixed Penalty Tickets Related Matters

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1. When issuing Fixed Penalty Tickets (FPTs), an officer should ensure that the date, time, place of the traffic contravention, vehicle details and e-payment number are entered correctly.

2. After issuing a FPT to a driver whose contravention of "Disobeying Traffic Lights" has been simultaneously captured by the Digital Red Light Camera, the officer should report the incident to his immediate supervisor after returning to the station and inform the Regional Traffic Investigation Group that he had issued a FPT to the driver on the spot to avoid duplication of the summons.

3. When a member of the public complains that the sum of penalty has not been marked on the FPT issued to him, report room staff should treat the case as "Traffic Complaints". He will obtain all relevant details, record the complaint in the Communal Information System (CIS) and inform the complainant that the matter will be investigated and that he will be informed of the result as soon as possible. (PGO 26-02)

4. The investigation of the "Traffic Complaints" at 3 should be handled by the Formation which has instituted the summons process. At the same time, CSP Traffic will decide whether to proceed with the action or cancel the process upon the recommendation of the investigating Formation. (PGO 26-02)

5. A driver of a motor vehicle is legally required to carry his driving licence, and produce it to a police officer upon request. Officers should not demand the driver to produce his HK identity card for the reasons of the driver having committed an offence under the Road Traffic Ordinance, or having contravened the Fixed Penalty (Traffic Contravention) Ordinance, unless the driver is not in possession of his driving licence and it is necessary to use his HK identity card to determine if he is qualified to drive. (Traffic Procedures Manual Part 3 Chapter 6-02)

(This column is contributed by the Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch)

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