Visit to ITSC and Cyberport

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Thirty members of the IT Society and their families picked up some useful lessons during their visit to Information Technology Solution Centre (ITSC) and Cyberport last month. The visit was organised by the Society's Activity Convener, Susanna Woods, as a summer activity for parents to share the latest IT technology with their children.

In ITSC, Manageress Ms Man Chi-wai showed her visitors a movie introducing the latest media technology of:

* Bio-verification - a technology using human fingerprints and facial features as elements for verification to enhance security;

* Auto-navigational System - a 3G-PDA equipped with GPS and related software, which, upon the destination being entered, can display maps and directions en route, and

* Internet Tuition Platform - a technology with which a student can obtain immediate feedback from tutor via Internet and e-learning without being affected by space and geographical limitation.

All members tried their hands at the fingerprints and facial features verification technology and had a thorough search for a location on the route maps. Parents were able to role-play with their children using the platform.

Following a souvenir presentation, the party proceeded to the Cyberport, where Ms Man introduced:

* 360-degree sense-surround Dome Screen showing the construction stage of Cyberport and its future prospect;

* Digital Media Centre which is a logistical base of multi-media facilities and production to promote IT for an innovative industry, and

* Information Resources Centre which is an IT and Digital resources library with information such as technology notice board, Databank, statistical items, photo bank, 3D images, etc. being available on loan.

  Trying hands at new information technology

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