Six officers receive CP's Commendations

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Commissioner Lee Ming-kwai presented his commendations to six officers for their outstanding performances in cracking a major loan sharking and debt collecting syndicate, as well as a major fraud case involving placements of new shares.

Chief Inspector Lam Sai-kit and Police Constables Tsang Hock-ming and Chow Wai-yin were commended for their investigation into the syndicate, which was responsible for one-third of all the criminal damage cases related to debt collection reported between October 1999 and March 2004. As a result, the mastermind and five core members of the syndicate were jailed for 12.5 years for "Conspiracy to Lend Money at an Excessive Rate of Interest" and other related offences.

The other three officers, Chief Inspector Siu Wai-sing and Sergeants Suen Nai-kwan and Ng Shu-ming, were commended for their protracted and extremely complex investigation into a fraud case involving placements of $686 million worth of the new shares of a listed company. Following a lengthy legal proceeding, a mastermind was jailed for 12 months while another was given a suspended sentence of 16 months.


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