WPC grabs bronze at East Asian Games

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Congratulations to Woman Police Constable Angie Tsang of Sau Mau Ping District who gained one more medal for Hong Kong at the 4th East Asian Games held in Macao! She took 3rd place in women's "Nandao" and "Nangun" all-around section of the Wushu Competition at the Games on October 31.

For Angie, this medal has not come by easily - she was injured during training one week before the Games. Her right ankle was so swollen that she could hardly walk. As the competition was drawing near, she wondered whether she could represent Hong Kong in the competition. Luckily, she recovered in time for the Games.

As a matter of fact, prior to the Wushu Competition, Angie did not have too much hope for the championship title because the competition rules were changed this year from compulsory to individual form. The effect of her injuries and fierce competition from many other athletes also placed obstacles in the way of Angie's bid for the championship. Nevertheless, with an athlete's enthusiasm and persistence, plus a police officer's determination, she forgot her foot pain during competition and tried her best in showcasing her ability. A bronze medal was a great reward under such circumstances.

"I wish to take this opportunity to thank my coach and teammates for their support. My family, friends and colleague's coming to my competition was also a big encouragement. Without their presence, I might not have made it through the whole competition," said Angie.

After her success at the Games, Angie is now busy preparing for the 8th World Wushu Championships scheduled to be held in Hanoi, Vietnam on December 8, hoping to grab another medal for Hong Kong and shine again in another international competition.

Angie with her coach and teammates

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