Meeting old pal in London

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Chief Inspector Ng Kwok-keung of Crime Prevention Bureau met retired Chief Superintendent Vince Chapman in London last month during the last leg of his European tour with his wife under the Long and Meritorious Service Travel Award 2005/06.

"Vince came up from Somerset to meet me. He was in good form and sent his regards to all his old acquaintances in the Force," said Mr Ng.

"We had a few beers in the pub in the evening and reminisced about old times in Hong Kong. The following morning, Vince took me to the London Eye. Fortunately the weather was fine and the panoramic views of London were quite spectacular, especially the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and St. Pauls' Cathedral. After that we went for a very nice curry lunch in Berkley Square," he added.

The pair later did a bit of hiking around London. "I was reminded of the trek we had in Nepal in 1981. Thank goodness, there were no mountains in London," Mr Ng noted.

Reunion high at the London Eye

  • English version only

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