Fire prevention training for PHQ occupants |
The General Division of Support Wing last month organised a seminar in the Arsenal House Auditorium for some 100 Duty Fire Safety Officers and representatives of PHQ Major Formations as part of an on-going training and education programme to assist PHQ Duty Fire Safety Officers in fire prevention. Senior Station Officer Chan Wai-nam from Central Fire Station conducted the seminar. Following his presentation, Mr Chan discussed many related matters with the audience during a question-and-answer session. Officially opened on March 12 this year, Arsenal House now houses 3,800 staff members. As such fire safety has been a prime concern for Superintendent (General Support) Gary Field. "When dealing with building management, fire safety must be of prime concern. We have conducted a series of fire drills over the past months with the evacuation of occupants being executed safely and efficiently. Duty Fire Safety Officers play a vital role in the safe and orderly evacuation of staff from their respective floors. "We greatly appreciate the support from our colleagues in the Fire Services Department in getting across the very important message of fire prevention and providing a safe working environment," said Mr Field.
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