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俚語是一些非正式場合才會使用的口語。 在每一個方言區和社會階層裡,人們都會因應生活的需要創造和使用俚語。 俚語的含義和用法是依據人們普遍的共識的,大多數的俚語隱含特定的意思,不能單憑表面字義來理解。 一般來說,俚語的用詞比較粗俗,但是運用俚語有時侯可以把意思表達得更具體和清楚。 語文天地遊戲第二十七則 請根據釋義,找出下列句子內的美式俚語: 1. You are always acting _______ these days. (silly) 2. I am going to try _______ Sarah next Saturday. (pick up and seduce) 3. I think that he is a _______. (crazy person) 4. Our team _______ them badly. (beat) 5. A lucky _______ helped him get the job. (opportunity) 6. The police stopped them because they thought the car was ___________. (stolen) 7. I am _______ at my work and need to rest. (exhausted) 8. He was _______ all his money at the casino. (cheated out of) 9 .Don't get so _______ over the issue. (angry) 10. Don't try to _______ on me. (deceive) 答案:
6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____ 請於一月十九日前把答案連同姓名、職位、所屬單位及聯絡電話,以派遞方式送交警政大樓三十四樓警察翻譯主任事務課收,封面請註明「語文天地」。答案必須手寫。得獎名額共八個,每位得獎者可得兩張面值一百元的書券。查詢電話:2860-8476。 註:為鼓勵更多同事參加語文天地遊戲,由今期開始,得獎名額將增加至八個。 上期語文天地遊戲答案:
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