New Year Resolution:
to further enhance internal communication

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Good communication remains high on everybody's New Year resolution list, and as the Force enters 2006, the Commissioner and the SDG are resolute to ensure that accurate and consistent messages are transmitted throughout all levels of the organisation on all important policies and issues.

Following consultation with Force members, it was established that formulation of a Communication Priority System would allow management and staff to focus their communication on key areas. Four Communication Priorities have been identified for 2006. The "Big Four" are Efficiency Savings Exercise, Force Values of Integrity and Honesty, Force Image and Occupational Safety and Health, and key messages have been developed to effectively project them.

The Commissioner and SDG, during their visits to formations and informal gatherings, will take the opportunity to drive these messages home and create the impetus for MFCs and FCs to further reinforce them during open forums and other meetings. Frontline commanders and PCROs can also convey these messages to external stakeholders such as DFCC, DC, local leaders and representatives, when being asked about these subjects.

The development of Communication Priorities therefore enables Force management to convey accurate and consistent information on important issues and policies to staff as well as to external stakeholders in a systematic manner. Furthermore, the Communication Priorities and their associated key messages will be regularly reviewed to ensure that important issues and policies are communicated in a timely manner and remain both current and topical.

Bilingual information on the Communication Priorities has been uploaded onto POINT but any member of the Force requiring further details or assistance may approach Ms Grace Leung Ching-kwan, SSP SS SQ.

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