Out of ordinary requests |
Members of the IPA in Hong Kong regularly play host to IPA members from other countries who visit Hong Kong, but last month two IPA visitors made requests that were a bit out of the ordinary. A recently retired member of the RCMP, Don Muir, came with his father Bill and other family members. It was not Bill's first visit to Hong Kong - that was in December 1941 when he arrived as a young soldier with the Winnipeg Grenadiers, just in time to participate in the defence of Hong Kong, serving as a machine-gunner in the area around Wong Nei Chung Gap. The Muirs requested to be taken to the war cemeteries and places on Hong Kong Island connected with the battle with the Japanese. Meanwhile, Wilson Wong, an Auxiliary officer in Waterfront Division, looked after Bill Taylor, formerly of the Nottinghamshire Police, and his partner Christine, who came to Hong Kong to tie the knot. Wilson helped the happy couple with their preparations and acted as witness for them. For information about the activities of IPA in Hong Kong, visit the IPA website, www.ipa-hksar.com.
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