Accolades come pouring in over HKMC | ||||
The way officers policed the World Trade Organisation's Hong Kong Ministerial Conference (HKMC) has drawn congratulations and praise far and near. Compliments came from a cross-section of the community, including former Secretary for Security, Ms Regina Ip, former Commissioner Eddie Hui, the Royal Thai Consulate, Fight Crime Committee members, District Councillors, former members of the Force, individuals, and even a Chinese family living in Melbourne, Australia. PPRB has also received numerous compliments from members of the public by phone and email to praise officers' good work during HKMC. The gist of their comments has been uploaded onto POINT. RTHK has also referred a large number of similar letters to PPRB. Compliments from the public In an email to CP, the Royal Thai Consulate thanked the Force for protecting the office of its Labour Section in Bonham Strand West during HKMC. In her email to CP, Ms Regina Ip said officers had upheld law and order and protected life and property in a valiant way during HKMC. "Despite unprecedented challenge from well-organised and experienced protestors from all over the world, the Police Force has demonstrated exemplary patience, tolerance, self-restraint and decisiveness in the handling of the numerous mass rallies, processions and violent confrontations staged by the protestors. I am pleased to note that the highly professional way the officers carried out their duties under your able leadership has won the appreciation of many citizens and the commendations of our local media. Once again the Hong Kong Police Force has done Hong Kong proud," she added. The general manager of a car showroom in Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, pointed out that although his shop was about the only one without any wooden boards to protect large display windows, it remained "intact and safe" throughout HKMC. Thanking the Force for that, the manager noted: "I could see that the police were very much refraining from using excessive force, and to certain extent, I would say a bit too gentle to the Korean peasants who were fiercely attacking the police." In their message to CP and members of the Force, a family from Australia said protestors' actions were "totally unacceptable", and what officers had done was "appropriate, necessary and reasonable". On December 20, Wan Chai District Fight Crime Committee Chairman, Dr Tse Wing-ling, accompanied by members of the committee, presented a banner to the Force and Wan Chai Division in appreciation of police efforts in maintaining law and order on the streets of Wan Chai during HKMC. A party of 13 District Councillors from Kwai Tsing called at Kwai Tsing District on December 21 to present a banner to District Commander Ip Lau-chuen to commend officers' efforts during HKMC. They also wished officers injured during operations a speedy recovery. In a similar gesture the following day, a party of personalities from Sha Tin, led by Sha Tin District Council Vice-chairman, Mr Pang Cheung-wai, called at Sha Tin Police Station and presented to District Commander Cheng Si-lim a Christmas tree laden with complimentary cards from the Sha Tin community. On December 29, several members of the Tuen Mun and Yuen Long District Councils, as well as New Territories West Residents' Association called at PHQ to present a banner to the Force, which was accepted by Senior Superintendent PPRB, Mr Cheung Tak-keung. Compliments from former Force members In his email to CP, former Commissioner Mr Eddie Hui said officers "have displayed well their professionalism, tolerance, and patience during the whole WTO events, and I am sure all the international visitors were impressed". In his congratulatary message to CP, a retired Inspectorate officer from the Force and retired Commissioner of Police of Solomon Islands, Mr Frank Short, said what he had witnessed on television when protestors clashed with the police "only confirms the well held view that the HKP is Asia's finest". "Despite repeated and organised resistance, the minimum use of force by the police succeeded in demonstrating to the world the capability and effectiveness of a disciplined, well organised, well commanded and well trained police service," he noted. In an email to a former colleague in the Force, retired Superintendent To Kam-chuen, now living in London, said his admiration went to the frontline officers who had handled "indiscriminate and restless attacks and blows from the Koreans". "I'm really touched by the tolerance and steadfastness of the Force displayed in facing the senseless and ruthless battering from the protestors and criticisms from some of the media and democrats," he added. In a letter to OffBeat, a former President of JPOA, Mr Cheung Shu-tsang, saluted officers for their patience, restraint and steadfastness in confronting protestors.
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