Knowledge Management Infostation |
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1. Large volume of contents stored at WebPages and Databases
2. Force members do not know what kinds of information is available
3. No mechanisms to ensure information stored is current
4. Force members find difficulties in retrieving such available information through Browsing and Searching
1. To develop a Database Content Management System (DBCMS) for databases requiring content management, and
2. To develop a Web Content Management System (WCMS) for managing and retrieving information in an effective and efficient manner.
1. Databases requiring content management
* Number of Databases (500 odd databases)
(i). 325 databases requiring content management
* 204 databases are open access
* 126 databases are to be migrated by SQW
* 78 databases are key business databases, which are to be migrated by their respective owners.
* Migration work will be completed by March 2006
* 121 databases are restricted
* to be migrated by their respective owners
* migration work to be completed by July 2006
(ii). around 175 databases not require content management
* for example, photo albums, IT systems, diary, calendar etc.
* Force-wide consultation on the design of categories and subcategories was conducted so as to properly classify information
1. 10 categories with 67 sub-categories
2. For details, please refer to HQO 2/2006. (POINTÑ>What's New)
* Template for uploading/updating information on new structured databases has been developed in order to provide better information retrieval and version control
* Trainings on the use of the database content management template have been/will be provided to appointed content managers / editors
1. Training has been provided to content managers/editors of Force key business databases, i.e. manuals and order, by SQW in late February and early March
2. Training will be provided to content managers/editors of restricted databases by SQW in late March and early April
3. Training will also be provided to content managers/editors of all open access databases in April/May.
* Continue to use eFiling as the mechanism for updating FPM/PGOs
3. Force NoticeBoard
* Continue to use Force NoticeBoard as a news publication means across the Force
* The existing NoticeBoard template will also be incorporated into the database content management template
4. WebPages
* Separate Formation webpages into Tier I covering webpages of CP's Office and MFs and Tier II covering webpages from formations at CSP/SSP level of command. Webpages from formations at other lower command levels will be absorbed to Tier II webpages.
1. From 2005 to 2007
2. ISW co-ordinates with MFs and Fs
* Webpages will be updated via WCMS, which applies 12 standardised web pages templates, by members without any technical background
* Web Administrators have been appointed to set up and update the webpages for their respective MFs and Fs
* Approval Officers, as a gatekeeper, have been appointed to ensure information stored at webpages is up-to-date and correct.
* Trainings on the use of the WCMS will be provided to Web Administrators and Approval Officers by EPOL in due course.
1. With the Categorisation Exercise, databases can be consolidated to avoid duplication, and information can be systematically classified which is extremely important to the design of the Navigation Flow for retrieving information via Browsing
2. With the DB CM template, each piece of information uploaded to new structured databases will be tagged with metadata (e.g. keywords, title, author, date etc.), which is significant to the retrieval of more relevant information via the new search engine
3. With the help of the WCMS, webpages can be consolidated into only two tiers and the information updating becomes an easy process.
4. Webpages set up by using the WCMS are tagged with keywords, which is important to the information retrieval via search engine.
5. Both the DBCMS and WCMS ensure quality control, i.e. timeliness and accuracy, from content managers and related users
KM Related News
Training on use of database template
Training on the use of the Database Content Management template has been provided to content managers/editors of Force key business databases, i.e. Manuals and Orders, on February 28 and March 3.
Management Development Programme
A briefing, titled "Making a Difference: Knowledge Management in the Force", will be given by Mr Charles Wong (ACP SQ) at the Auditorium on April 1. The focus of the briefing will be on the introduction of Knowledge Management and its related development in the Force as well as related KM tools available for Force members. The briefing will be followed by a live demonstration on the use of KM elearning package and the new KM Portal.
Should you have any enquiries on Force KM Development or wish to register for the PKM sharing seminar, please contact Knowledge Management Officer on 2860-6573.
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