Elderly man saved through boundary police co-operation |
Quick action by Border District and Lo Wu Public Security Bureau has saved a 78-year-old Hong Kong resident, who was found lying on a street in Shenzhen late in January, apparently having lost his way there because of his senile dementia. The elderly man, surnamed Chan, was later reunited with his family for the Lunar New Year. For officers in Ta Kwu Ling Division (TKLDIV), Mr Chan's safe return to Hong Kong was by no means the end of the case. Shortly after Mr Chan had returned home, two officers paid him a visit after duty during the Lunar New Year to make sure he was all right. The Shenzhen Hong Kong Land Boundary Police Co-operation Scheme was activated and the Assistant Border Liaison Officer Chief Inspector Lam King-kong was alerted, immediately after Lo Wu security officers found Mr Chan in Dongmen, Shenzhen, on January 30. On the Hong Kong side, officers in the Lo Wu Reporting Centre in TKLDIV confirmed Mr Chan's identity and contacted the elderly home where Mr Chan was registered as an inmate. After locating Mr Chan's family, the officers made arrangements with Lo Wu Public Security Bureau for Mr Chan's return to Hong Kong. After spending one more night in Shenzhen, Mr Chan was physically fit to return home, and was met by the police at the Lo Wu Boundary Crossing Point on January 31 - in time to spend the rest of the Lunar New Year holidays with his family. Mr Chan's safe return was just one of the hundreds of cases handled on both sides of the boundary since the Shenzhen Hong Kong Land Boundary Police Co-operation Scheme started operation in January 2003. "Since implementation of the scheme, Border District and Shenzhen Public Security Bureau have been working closely in detecting many crimes that happened on both side of the boundary. The crime cases included theft, Mainland visitors falling preys to deception by shops in Chung Ying Street, tampering with tele-communication installations and container-vehicle theft, etc. Also handled were cases of providing police services to Hong Kong residents on the Mainland. All these actions have produced very good results. "The Hong Kong and Shenzhen police forces will continue to enhance the efficiency of this co-ordination mechanism so that Hong Kong residents and Mainland visitors, no matter whether they are in Hong Kong or the Mainland, will receive quality police services. "The case of Mr Chan reflects the success of the mechanism," commented CIP Lam.
Mr Chan is overwhelmed by TKLDIV officers' visit
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