Briefing on Code of Practice for Expert Witnesses

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Over 150 officers from across the Force attended a briefing at the PHQ Auditorium last month on the Code of Practice for Expert Witnesses, which was recently issued by the Department of Justice. Among the audience were experts like Government Chemists, Accountants and Expert Cadre Members, as well as crime and uniformed branch officers.

In his opening address, Assistant Commissioner (Crime) Li Ka-chiu emphasised the importance of expert witnesses and told the audience that the Code was a guide for prosecutors and officers concerning their expectation of the conduct of prosecution expert witnesses.

Mr John Reading, SC, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, who was instrumental in drafting the Code, was the guest speaker of the briefing. He said the Code was issued in order to enhance both the quality and credibility of expert witnesses through the promotion of standards of excellence. He also answered questions regarding the practical application of matters pertaining to disclosure, which forms part of the Code.

The audience was delighted to have an opportunity to know more about an important legal development, thus enhancing their professional knowledge.

The power point presentation and recording of the briefing have been uploaded onto the Police College "Learning Portal" for those unable to attend the briefing.

Mr Li presents a souvenir to Mr Reading in appreciation of his assistance to the briefing

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