Family Life Education Series
Mutual support for families with special needs :
Thanks to You: My Wife and My Children

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If you have been following our series, you will notice that the articles on mutual support have mainly focused on the positive thinking on the empowerment of adversity, which takes place in all the cases reported by our Self-help Group of Parents with Special Needs Children. A parent, who wishes to express his gratitude to spouse, children, and all who are involved in helping process his case, contributes the following article.

I could not stop myself from getting emotional when I started writing this article. Like everyone, I wish my son to be outstanding and brilliant, or at least be happy and live a normal life. I never thought it could be so difficult.

My dream was dashed when diagnosis showed Sam, my 13 year-old son, is suffering from autism. His illness consumed our energy, physically and emotionally, and I got a chill when I thought of his future. Nevertheless, my wife, myself, and my other children are able to gradually accept Sam the way he is, taking good care of him, and hoping for a better future for him.

I want to take this opportunity to thank my wife for her determination and diligence. I also want to thank my other children, who I might have neglected somewhat on the way, since I put most time I could spare on Sam. Sam is my third child and his elder siblings have learnt to be independent at an early age. I do not wish Sam would be a hindrance to them.

All we want of Sam are being independent and able to take care of himself. We hope that with modern technology and medical advances, certain medication or medical procedure will help Sam in some ways in the near future. After all, life is a journey no matter you are a happy traveller.

Last but not the least, I like to thank those members of the Force, who in one way or the other have all along been assisting my family and me in our struggle. They live up to the Force's reputation as a caring department. I could only repay them through hard work and contribution to the public. The best I can do is to show my gratitude to you all.

PS&SR Branch Welfare Services Group

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