Warning on road safety complacency

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Deputy Commissioner (Operations) Tang King-shing, also Chairman of the Road Safety Council, warned on May 12 that although the 139 road deaths reported in 2005 were the lowest in 47 years, there was no room for complacency.

"While we're pleased with the low road fatality toll, we will continue to widely promote road safety in Hong Kong," Mr Tang said while addressing the Public Light Bus (PLB) Safety Campaign Prize Presentation Ceremony.

He added that it was the Road Safety Council's ongoing initiative to provide a safe road environment, minimise traffic accidents and safeguard all road users.

Jointly organised by the Road Safety Council and the Transport Department, the PLB Safety Campaign aimed at enhancing the road safety awareness of the PLB sector and other road users, and encouraging safe driving among PLB drivers to achieve the vision of "Zero Accidents on the Road, Hong Kong's Goal".

Also speaking at the ceremony, the Deputy Commissioner for Transport, Ms Carolina Yip, said measures had been put in place to step up driver training, enhance drivers' professional conduct and foster a culture of quality service in the PLB sector. Appropriate devices and information had also been provided on PLBs for passengers to help monitor service quality.

Running from January 15 to March 31, 2006, the campaign was open to all full-time PLB drivers, with nominations made by PLB associations, trade associations and service providers. Participants were required to take part in a quiz and write a short essay on PLB safety.

Among the 627 entries received, an adjudicating panel selected 30 semi-finalists for spot checks to assess their safety behaviours, driving skills and service quality. Ten finalists were chosen and interviewed on safe driving experiences.

Mr Tang emphasises that promotion of road safety is an ongoing effort

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