Sharing experience and commitment

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Over 100 officers from crime formations and special duty squads attended the "Experience Sharing Session on Financial Investigations" held by Narcotics Bureau (NB) recently at the PHQ Auditorium. At the seminar, NB officers introduced the latest trend in money laundering and shared their experiences in money laundering investigations and confiscation with the audience.

In his opening address, NB Chief Superintendent Peter Else told the audience that the experience sharing session aimed at strengthening communications and sharing experience among crime formations, and boosting officers' skills and confidence in financial investigations.

The session comprised three presentations delivered by NB's experienced financial investigators. Superintendent Lam Man-wing from the Financial Investigations Division outlined the work of the division, introduced the latest money laundering trend and spoke of the economical implications of money laundering on society.

Chief Inspector David Cope clarified some common misunderstanding of money laundering in investigations of organised and serious crimes, while Chief Inspector Yau Sin-man highlighted the use of financial intelligence in investigations of drug trafficking, and gave an introduction on terrorist financing investigations.

In the question-and-answer session, Chief Inspector Pang Mo-yin shared with the audience both the difficulties and benefits in conducting financial investigations.

At the end of the session, most of the audience was delighted to have an opportunity to learn more about financial investigations.

The session's power-point presentation has been uploaded onto the FI NB's homepage for reference.

CSP NB Peter Else addressing the experience sharing session

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