Pilot on Training Management System underway

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The Training Management System (TMS) is a newly developed independent system to automate the existing training administration of some 2,700 training categories run by 25 training units. The training administration work includes nomination, enrolment, and training records. TMS' benefits of easy access and full automation will not only streamline and speed up work processes but also reduce paper consumption to a great extent. More importantly, TMS has been designed to meet individual training needs according to officers' own preferences and convenience.

To test the effectiveness of TMS, a pilot scheme is now underway in Western District. Depending on the outcome of the pilot, TMS will be refined before force-wide implementation.

As an adjunct to the pilot, Force members can, with effect from August 15, view their own training history by accessing TMS on POINT. Such access will also be available on POINT from home tentatively in mid-September this year.

A user guide in accessing TMS and viewing individual training history has been uploaded to "What's New" on POINT and the Learning Portal of Knowledge Management. A hotline, 2860-2526, has also been set up to provide assistance to Force members.

Checking out personal training records online

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