Outside experts support CSSP

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Experts from industries and education institutes, who serve as advisers on the Information Systems Wing's Advisory Panel, expressed full support for the Force Communication Systems Strategic Plan (CSSP) at the panel's meeting held on September 27.

Members of the Advisory Panel are Mr Chu Wing-yuen, Telecom Manager of the CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd, Mr Lau Kwong-cheung, Danny, Assistant Director of the Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA), Mr Leung Tsun-ho, Michael, Assistant Director of Business Development, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Prof Leung Tin-pui, Dean of the Faculty of Communication, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dr Yue On-ching, Science Adviser of the Department of Information Engineering, Innovation and Technology Commission, Dr Tong Fuk-kay, Frank, President of Acasia Technologies (HK) Ltd, and Prof Wong Wing-shing, Department of Information Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The CSSP is the first of its kind concerning planned communications development over the next six years in the Force. The CSSP aims to set out a strategic roadmap detailing proposed provision and development of communication systems in support of the Commissioner's Strategic Action Plan for 2006-2009 and any subsequent revisions to it. The CSSP incorporates findings of the Communication Systems Review as well as user interviews and surveys. Cognizance has also been taken of the Force's Future Strategy Plan and Information System Strategy Review.

The foundations of the CSSP have been built on the following eight strategies:

(i) Technology - improving operational effectiveness by utilising the latest proven technology;

(ii) Consolidation - strengthening inter-system communication capabilities;

(iii) System Scalability - creating a Government-wide communication system;

(iv) Security and Resilience - improving system security for overall system availability;

(v) Business Continuity and Reliability - strengthening communication systems survivability;

(vi) Service Expansion - extending COMMS service coverage to include all electronic systems used by the Force;

(vii) Users - enhancing user trust/confidence by regular interviews and reviews, and

(viii) Governance - strengthening governance in project delivery.

The CSSP has been endorsed by the Director of Management Services and will be submitted to the Information System Steering Committee for consideration and endorsement.

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