Five-Day Week Phase II effective next month

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The Executive Council has approved implementation on January 1 of Phase II of the five-day week in the Government.

The Force Phase II Batch One plan will be implemented on the same day. In this phase, units and staff providing back-end administrative support services will cease working on Saturday mornings. Their working hours will be extended during weekdays to make up for the conditioned hours.

Some operational units, such as Administration Support Sub-Units and Miscellaneous Enquiries Sub-Units performing professional support services, will adopt a five-day week work pattern with two days off, though not necessarily on Saturdays and Sundays or on two consecutive days. They will continue to provide services for more than five days, if necessary.

More disciplined and civilian staff who mainly provide support services to Force members, for reasons of good management, will incrementally migrate to a five-day week before July 1, 2007. Further announcements of implementation of the subsequent phases will be made in due course.

The Force Working Group has begun examining the feasibility of any further migration of frontline operational units to a five-day week. In October 2006, four new Sub-Working Groups (SWG) were established, with representatives across the affected units, to carefully examine such feasibility. The frontline units covered by the SWGs are:

* Regional SWG : Emergency Unit, Police Tactical Unit, Quick Reaction Force, Regional Command and Control Centre, Railway District and some Marine units;

* Divisional SWG : Patrol Sub-Unit, Operations Support Sub-Unit, Cheung Chau Division;

* Traffic SWG : Enforcement & Control, Accident Investigation Team, and

* Crime SWG : District Investigation Team/Divisional Investigation Team.

Some headquarters units and policy wing units, which will not migrate in Phase II, have been included in one of the SWGs for feasibility studies.

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