Force forges closer ties with Netherlands

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In an historical event, the Force signed a Letter of Intent with the Netherlands Police Agency (KLPD) on January 19 in order to enhance the co-operation between the two Forces in fighting trans-national crime.

Commissioner Tang King-shing and Chief Constable Peter J. van Zunderd of KLPD signed the document in a bid to strengthen the existing strategic partnership between the Force and KLPD. The Letter of Intent not only defines the already excellent co-operation and working relationship with KLPD, but also forms part of the four key work objectives outlined by Mr Tang when he took up his new appointment as CP in that it fosters closer ties and co-operation with the international law enforcement community.

During the Signing Ceremony, Mr Tang thanked Chief Constable Peter van Zunderd for making his trip to Hong Kong. "There has been a build-up to the signing of this Letter of Intent through numerous discussions between the Netherlands Police Agency and the Hong Kong Police. I know this occasion and the discussions we will subsequently have will bear the fruits that we both desire," Mr Tang noted.

In response, Chief Constable Peter van Zunderd praised the close working relationship between KLPD and the Force and suggested that the Force should see KLPD as a "gateway to Europe". He extended his profound thanks to Mr Tang for bringing the document into being.

The Signing Ceremony took place at Police Headquarters in the presence of Mr Jan Revis, the Consul-General of the Netherlands in Hong Kong, and other senior officers from the Force and KLPD.

Closer ties sealed

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