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The Management Committee of the Card Authorisation System in PRC has expressed their gratitude to the Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) for cracking three major fraud cases involving the use of counterfeit credit cards and payment cards. In two payment card fraud cases, CCB has successfully neutralised two international counterfeit payment card syndicates, and apprehended the syndicates' core members. As a result, it has prevented a potential loss of $10 million for the credit card industry. The third case concerned a joint operation mounted by the CCB and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, resulting in the swift neutralisation of an international counterfeit payment card syndicate. A member of the syndicate was later convicted at court in Toronto, Canada. In appreciation of CCB's swift detection of the three cases, representatives of 28 local banks from the Management Committee of the Card Authorisation System in PRC presented commemorative plaques to CCB Chief Superintendent Chan Yiu-kwok and the officers of his "C" Division which was responsible for investigating the cases. Mr Chan has attributed the speedy detection to his officers' professionalism and devotion to duty, and CCB's close partnership with the banking industry and other law enforcement agencies.
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