"One Officer One Sport" Series 13
Weight training

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Basic Training Principle

Overload - This is the basic requirement for training of the musculoskeletal system. For effectiveness, the body must experience loads to which it is not accustomed. If the overload is insufficient, the exercise will be of little value, but excessive overload will easily lead to injury.

Progression - A progressive approach should be taken to allow the body to adapt to a lighter load initially, and then work slowly to increase the load.

Specificity Principle - This means using specific methods to train for specific objectives, such as using "high resistance" to train muscle power, or using "repetitions" to train muscular endurance.

Reversibility Principle - Muscles will improve through persistent training. Conversely, the muscles will retract if training stops.

Safety Precaution

- Start with light intensity weight training exercise or under coaching.

- Remember to do enough warm up and cool down.

- Use "spotters" when you try major lifts.

- Keep your back straight when lifting.

- Use proper lifting technique when moving weights around the room.

- Don't breathe fast or hold your breath when lifting heavy weights. Breathe out when you lift.

- Slowly stop lifting if you feel painful.

- Don't exercise a set of muscle more than three times a week. Allow each set of muscle to rest for a minimum of 48 hours before re-exercising.

Sam Li (Coach of Hong Kong Bodybuilding Team)

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