Force and PLA Garrison maintain close co-operation

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Commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Garrison in Hong Kong, Lieutenant General Wang Jitang, said the garrison had established close co-operation and friendly relationship with the Force since it began stationing in the territory to undertake defence duties in 1997.

Inspecting a passing-out parade by 15 probationary inspectors, eight graduates of an Inspector Induction Course and 203 recruit constables at the Police College on May 12, General Wang, on behalf of every member of the HK Garrison, expressed appreciation of the Force's concern, support and assistance.

"The Hong Kong Police are an outstanding disciplined force renowned for being well trained, having a fine style of work, being dedicated to work and having a high quality and competency.

"Every member of the Force, from the Commissioner to an ordinary police constable, has all along been faithfully adhering to the Force's motto of 'We serve with Pride and Care'.

"Since reunification with the Motherland, the Hong Kong Police have met with new challenges of various natures, acted with steadfastness and accomplished major tasks, contributing to the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong and winning the community's high regards and compliments," he said.

General Wang congratulated the graduating officers on having successfully completed rigorous training and passed each and every test required. Being convinced that the officers would shoulder heavy responsibilities and strive for excellence at work, he was confident that they would serve Hong Kong well and further contribute to promoting the economic prosperity and social stability of Hong Kong and safeguarding residents' well-being.

He said the Hong Kong Garrison, since stationing in the territory to take care of defence matters, had all along been enthusiastically and thoroughly following the great principle of "one country, two systems", working unsparingly hard to maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.

The Garrison carries out its mission in accordance with the law, manages the Army with strict discipline, embarks on all-round construction and would develop constantly, he added.

General Wang said the Hong Kong Garrison is willing to enhance exchanges, communication and friendship with the Force, and to serve Hong Kong and the Motherland hand in hand.

General Wang leaving the Police College amid a loud applause

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