"Octans" helps school kids

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"Octans" is a Voluntary Group established in Marine South Division last year to provide a platform for officers to participate in volunteer services, using their professional knowledge and expertise.

"Wishing Star" was Octans' very first project to help a group of primary six pupils with disciplinary and other problems. Although there were only 15 kids, each of them had a specific story to tell. Some were troubled by family matters, while others had problems of inter-personal relationships.

At the beginning of the project, Octans' Chairman, Inspector Tsang Chiu-hin, was not sure that he and his colleagues were able to help the kids return to a healthy school life. But after a total of 720 hours of counselling and foot drill training, spread over a period of six months, they won the kids' trust and changed their attitude towards the police to one of friendliness and amicability. The kids were even willing to confide their feelings to the officers - a very heartening development indeed.

Conclusion of the programme saw a marked improvement in the pupils' performances at school. As a gesture of his thanks, the principal of the primary school presented certificates of appreciation to Octans and its members.

Octans is going to team up with the YMCA, McDonald's and Hong Kong Aviation Club to organise a training course on volunteer services in the near future. Officers are welcome to join the course, which will feature talks and other presentations by scholars and experienced social workers. More details of the course have been posted on NoticeBoard.

"Octans" members display their achievement

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