Police College launches
'Online Research Resources' webpage

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The Research Centre of the Police College launched an "Online Research Resources"(ORR) webpage earlier this month. The ORR, your one-stop research companion, is a collection of hyperlinks of some carefully selected research resources on the web. The ORR is useful in a variety of circumstances, such as searching for research reports, performing data analysis, self-learning of research skills, and writing dissertations, etc.

Resourceful Collection of Policing Topics

Tailor-made for the Force, the ORR puts a special emphasis on policing topics. The collection covers overseas crime statistics, policing research papers, and other topics like community policing, drugs, forensic science, counter-terrorism, organised crime, intelligence-led policing, crime mapping and criminal profiling, etc. More topics are on the way.

Hit with One Shot Search

Information explodes astoundingly on the web. Ordinary search engines often cannot turn up useful results for queries. To address this problem, the ORR offers alternative search gateways - subject guides (edited searchable contents), policing publication database, as well as online encyclopedia - to help you hit your target with one-shot search.

Research Knowledge Made Easy

What does snowball sampling mean? How do we design a good questionnaire? The ORR links you to a wealth of research knowledge on the web, ranging from elementary topics for beginners to more advanced topics for serious researchers.

Free Online Analytical Tools and Software

Also included in the ORR are useful free online analytical tools and software, such as sample size calculator, online statistical application, crime mapping software, and bibliography management software, etc.

Continuous Improvement

We believe in continuous improvement and collaborative efforts. More hot topics are coming to keep up with the rapidly changing world. Any suggestion on how the ORR can be improved is more than welcome. Should there be any useful resources not included in the ORR, do share your views with the Research Centre (email: ro-rc@police.gov.hk).

Check it out!

URL: http://ux37phq.hpf.gov.hk:8088/bbs/training/college/rc/orr.htm

The ORR is posted on the webpage of the Research Centre. It is accessible via both POINT (Police Intranet) and 'POINT from Home': POINT homepage > Formation Sites > C Department Police College > Research Centre. Alternatively, users can access the ORR from the 'Library Resources' section of the Force Library's homepage. Please note that the access to the Force Library via 'POINT from Home' is currently under construction.


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