Job Attachment for Police mentees a tremendous success |
The summer Job Attachment for mentees of the Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) came to a successful conclusion on August 31 when Assistant Commissioner Cheung Siu-wah, PMP's Head Mentor, together with Chief Superintendents Chung Hung-fung and Chau Kwok-leung, both being Deputy Head Mentors, officiated at a presentation on the Job Attachment at Police Headquarters. The Job Attachment under the PMP is a new initiative this year, enabling mentees to gain firsthand work experience in the Force during their summer vacation. For a period of eight weeks, the Job Attachment enabled 51 mentees to participate in 39 projects offered by various Formations and Districts. The primary objective was to provide a platform for mentees to obtain some work experience in the fields of their studies, while at the same time appreciate the work of police officers. Being briefly categorised into three main areas, namely Research and Survey, Organising Activities, and Designing Webpage and Database, the Job Attachment also aimed at assisting Formations and Districts in completing short-term projects. In designing and producing display boards for the Job Attachment presentation ceremony, the mentees were more than happy to share their achievements with Force members and among themselves. One of the mentees said: "I'm so excited about this Job Attachment project. It has been a rewarding experience, and I realise how much the Force is dedicated to achieving a high quality for its service and continuous improvement. Everything I have learned here is valuable for my personal development." In his opening address at the presentation ceremony, Mr Cheung said he greatly appreciated the mentees' good work. "I am most delighted to hear the compliments from various Formation Commanders that all mentees have done their best to achieve results and contributed to the success of Formation projects," he noted. Prior to the presentation ceremony, the Head Mentor and his two Deputies toured the display boards and listened to the mentees'presentations. Awards were presented to the three boards with the best designs, as well as six outstanding ones. The winning boards are on display in the Force Library, 7/F, Police Headquarters, until October 2.
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