Partnership to reduce vehicle crimes

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The Kowloon East Regional Crime Prevention Office (RCPO KE) has adopted a partnership approach to reduce theft from vehicle and taking conveyance without authority in the carparks in the region.

The management of LINK Reit, who attaches great importance to good security, has been operating one third of its carparks, with approximately 26,000 parking spaces, at Kowloon East. In fact, this number occupies 52 per cent of the total parking spaces in the same Land Region, as reported by the Crime Prevention Bureau.

Explaining the partnership project, Senior Superintendent (Crime) Kowloon East, Mr Peter Barnes, pointed out that RCPO KE is playing the role of a lead agency, and offering advice and professional support to beef up the security of LINK carparks, hoping to create a synergy effect for tackling the vehicle crimes in Kowloon East.

"Similar to other Kowloon East Crime Prevention Action Plans, RCPO KE's initiative is in line with CP's Operational Targets 2007 on Quick Cash Crime to enhance community awareness and enlist the support of the security sector for crime prevention," he added.

There are external and internal partners for RCPO KE's project, and each type has specific roles to play. Forming external partners are LINK Reit, carpark operators serving LINK Reit and Security Personnel Permit (SPP) holders working for the operators.

RCPO KE's internal partners are the Security Companies Inspection Unit of Crime Prevention Bureau and Licensing Office at PHQ, Regional Intelligence Unit of Kowloon East, and officers in Districts and Divisions in Kowloon East.

Mr Barnes went on to say that since the partnership project was launched in August this year, RCPO KE has been meeting LINK management on a quarterly basis to brief them on the crime situation and discuss solutions.

Before the project ends in July next year, RCPO KE will closely monitor the following measures and review their effectiveness every quarter, he added.

Ground Anchor for motorcycle

On the advice of RCPO KE, LINK Reit has installed about 2,500 ground anchors in 50 carparks in Kowloon East as a pilot to prevent theft of motorcycles.

Designated parking areas for "high risk" vehicles

RCPO KE has recommended that high-risk vehicles, such as taxi, should be parked in designated areas close to CCTV or guardroom. Since the first quarter of this year, LINK Reit has adopted the recommendation for its carparks at the Sheung Tak Estate and Hau Tak Estate in Tseung Kwan O as a pilot scheme to reduce the upsurge of vehicle crime in the 1st Quarter of 2007. Such scheme has proved successful, and will be reviewed at the end of 2007.

Access control for monthly carparks

It has been suggested that "hourly parks" and "monthly parks" be separated in order to implement the "Access Control" Plan. It is anticipated that through "Access Control", the crime rate in both types of carpark will be reduced, and LINK management has been studying the feasibility.

Improvement of CCTV

For carparks with a high rate of vehicle crime, RCPO KE will offer advice on improving CCTV systems. LINK Reit has earmarked a big budget for improving its CCTV systems, and RCPO KE will offer all necessary assistance in this aspect.

E-mail networking

Since March 2006, RCPO KE has been using e-mail to deliver a bi-monthly newsletter on vehicle crime figures and models of high-risk vehicle to various carpark operators in Kowloon East, including those working for LINK Reit. The newsletter updates carpark operators on the current vehicle crime trend.

On the other fronts, RCPO KE will coordinate with all Districts in Kowloon East to mount the Regional Security Personnel Alertness Campaign in LINK carparks to raise SPP holders' awareness of carpark security. The Office will also brief the SPP holders on the current vehicle crime trend and high-risk vehicles.

RCPO KE will also conduct regular crime prevention operations in all LINK carparks in Kowloon East, especially those with a high crime rate, to educate all drivers and car owners on vehicle security.

To recognise the performances of SPP holders, RCPO KE will run an Outstanding SPP Holder Award Scheme, with the first presentation ceremony scheduled for the third quarter of next year, together with the Outstanding SPP Holder Award presentation for the Public Rental Housing Estate Access Control Project.

"Since the launching of this project, the vehicle crime rate in LINK carparks has remained at a low level," Mr Barnes said.

Screening of Police Magazine footage

Meanwhile, RCPO KE, in conjunction with the Crime Prevention Bureau, arranged for Police Magazine footage to be screened for the first time in seven LINK shopping centres in Kowloon East during the National Day Golden Week to publicise prevention messages at some crime hotspot .

The footage alerted the public to the modus operandi of both street and telephone scams and pick pocketing, achieved the intended results and won favourable feedback from the public, especially Mainland visitors. RCPO KE also distributed crime prevention leaflets in those shopping centres where the footage was shown.

Senior Superintendent Peter Barnes is also concerned about motorcycle security

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