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語文天地遊戲第四十九則 |
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我們經常看到重疊使用生字片語的表達方式,例如:Good books should be read again and again.(好書要一遍一遍地讀。)This little boy grows taller year by year.(這個小男孩長得一年比一年高。)同樣地,重疊使用身體部分的用語亦十分常見,既可清楚表達情感,亦令句子更為生動傳神。現請大家試試完成以下句子。
1. On hearing the news, she grinned from _____________. 2. I hadn't seen Mary since 1970 when suddenly we stood ________________. 3. The passengers were packed _________________ on the boat. 4. Stand _________________ and we'll see which of you is taller. 5. The couple were dancing _________. 6. The news of the victory spread rapidly from _________________. 7. Prosperity goes _________________ with investment. 8. Unfortunately he didn't see ___________with his parents and there were always arguments at their residence. a) mouth to mouth b) face to face c) cheek to cheek d) hand in hand, e) back to back f) shoulder to shoulder g) ear to ear h) eye to eye. 請在十一月十五日前把答案連同姓名、職位、所屬單位及聯絡電話,以派遞方式送交警政大樓三十四樓警察翻譯主任事務課收,封面請註明「語文天地」。每期得獎名額八個,每位得獎者可獲贈書券兩張(每張面值港幣一百元)。如答對全部題目者超過八位,則以抽籤方式選出得獎者。如沒有參加者答對全部題目,則在答中最多題目的參加者中抽出得獎者。得獎者將於稍後時間由所屬單位頒發書券。查詢電話︰2860-8476。 上期語文天地遊戲答案: 1) a 2) d 3) g 4) f 5) b 6) h 7) c 8) e 經抽簽後,得獎者名單如下: 1. Amy Chik, WKM II, SSP C NTS 2. SGT Suen Lup-keung, RST, TKW 3. Chau Po-ling, SCO CAC, Pol. College 4. Chau Yau-wa, ACO/T1, PQD 5. Leung Che-kuen, ACO, Ret Unit, PHQ 6. Lam Lai-seung, CO, Fin. Div. 7. PC Chan Peter, FS9A, CCB 8. 新界南刑事總部總務室文書助理馮榮遠
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