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YTDIST clinches Service Quality Award


Yau Tsim District (YTDIST) clinched the Service Quality Award 2007-08 with an engagement project on Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) communities at the award scheme's final adjudication cum prize presentation ceremony held on April 8.

Eastern District's (EDIST) Prevention of Deliberate Self-harm Project and Sha Tin District's (STDIST) "Silver Hawk" Project won the second and third places respectively, following a very close contest before a 100-member Adjudication Panel comprising Commissioner Tang King-shing, Commissioner-rank Officers, Chief Superintendents and representatives from Regions.

Adjudication Panel members use electronic devices to cast their votes

Short-listed from eight teams at the Stage Two Adjudication, each of the three finalists made a presentation on the stage before the panel members who used electronic devices to cast their votes to pick the champion.

A total of 25 entries were received for the Service Quality Award Scheme (SQAS) 2007-08, 10 more than that for the previous occasion, indicating that there is no shortage within the Force of officers with creative and innovative minds, as well as zeal to deliver the best possible services to the community.

Speaking at the prize presentation ceremony, CP pointed out that over the past five years the SQAS had not only played an active role in promoting and reinforcing a customer-focused culture of quality service, but also motivated formations to seek continuous improvement in the pursuit of service excellence.

"Similar to previous arrangements, in order to allow more flexibility and wider scope of innovation, no theme has been set this year. I hope our staff can attain outstanding results through the innovative working process and widen their horizons by learning from each other," he remarked.

Mr Tang further pointed out that the 25 entries had a very high standard and reflected a wide scope of innovation and the degree of service excellence imbedded in the Force's culture. "It is here to stay and grow. The three winning teams today epitomise this service excellence and their efforts have been tremendous. Once again, I warmly congratulate them on their outstanding presentations.

"I believe that by taking part in this competition, and whilst preparing your presentations, you will have acquired a deep understanding of the ways in which we can improve quality service. This newly acquired knowledge and experience will remain with you and will continue to be applied across the Force in the future," he told the participating teams.

CP reminded the audience: "Hong Kong Police have gained high recognition from the local public and police forces worldwide. However, it is important that we do not become complacent and rest on our laurels. We must remain vigilant on all fronts when we tackle the challenges ahead in order to achieve excellence in all our dealings."

Project on NEC community

YTDIST launched its customer-oriented project in January 2006 in a bid to promote understanding and communication with the NEC community through proactive networking under the Police Community Relations Office framework. Through effective communication and a robust liaison network, the project has nurtured trust, mutual understanding and support between the YTDIST and NEC community. As a result, NEC community members have rallied for the District's policing work and fight against crimes and drugs.

Under the project, liaison meeting is held with NEC community leaders on a quarterly basis, including the chairmen or presidents of Pakistani, Indian and Nepalese organisations. This initiative, together with regular liaison visits to the NEC community and frequent contacts with NEC community leaders and organisations, has gone a long way towards fostering effective communication and co-operation between YTDIST and the NEC community.

The following examples illustrate only some aspects of the project's customer-oriented nature.

* On the suggestion of NEC community leaders, YTDIST has been, since May 2006, providing halal meals for NEC community members in custody in both Tsim Sha Tsui and Yau Ma Tei divisions. The food caterer was engaged with the assistance of NEC community leaders.

* In September 2006, YTDIST held the first anti-drug seminar for the NEC community on the request of their community leaders who expressed concerns at a regular liaison meeting about drug abuse by NEC youth.

* In November 2006, YTDIST staged a roving road show at places frequented by the NEC community to distribute anti-crime and anti-drug leaflets and copies of a crime information form in Urdu and Nepali languages. NEC leaders not only contributed input for the design of these publicity items, but also lent a hand to distribution.

With effective networking, trust and understanding with NEC community leaders and organisations, the YTDIST PCRO has provided a variety of efficient and user-friendly services by addressing the sentiments of the NEC community.

To optimise resources for the project and enhance the quality of services for the NEC community, YTDIST PCRO has forged a strategic partnership with non-governmental organisations, schools and other government departments, and obtained their valuable assistance in expanding networking with the NEC community and engaging more community sectors for the fight against crime.

Prevention of Deliberate Self-harm Project

EDIST's Prevention of Deliberate Self-harm project is basically a community-based approach to preventing deliberate self-harm cases by forming a multi-agency working group to streamline referral procedures, enhancing training for police officers and raising public awareness and community support.

The working group is aimed at identifying the local factors contributing to deliberate self-harm cases in Eastern District; identifying initiatives to prevent such cases; raising public awareness of and promoting community support for prevention of the same in Eastern District, and exploring means to provide a joint support service for vulnerable persons as well as their relatives and friends with an enhanced referral system involving EDIST, Hospital Authority and Social Welfare Department.

Besides officers from EDIST, membership of the working group also comprises representatives from the Force's Psychological Services Group and Negotiation Cadre, as well as representatives from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Social Welfare Department, Caritas Integrated Family Service Centre and Housing Department.

The project provides a very good platform for the stakeholders concerned to work closely to make a dent on the deliberate self-harm problem. Since the working group was set up in September 2006, EDIST has taken the lead in launching different projects to prevent deliberate self-harm cases.

"Silver Hawk" Project

The "Silver Hawk" Project represents STDIST's enhanced effort to prevent local elderly from falling victims to street scam, phone deception and other forms of deception. In a bid to bring prevention messages across to the elderly, STDIST has enlisted the assistance of 64 elderly people from 18 public housing estates, with the support of the Sha Tin Junior Police Call Committee, Sha Tin District Fight Crime Committee, Sha Tin District Office, Social Welfare Department, elderly community centres and the Hong Kong Police Old Comrades' Association.

After a series of seminars, workshops, briefing on perpetrators' modus operandi and visits to police units, all provided by STDIST, these recruited elderly "Silver Hawks" started serving as vanguards in maintaining a neighbourhood watch and preventing crime on their estates. They also helped distribute anti-deception leaflets at both public and private housing estates, and took part in other community services.

The project is so successful that it may be extended to other districts.

Editor: Peter Tiu: 2860-6171
Reporters: Herman Fong: 2860-6172
Tony Au Yeung: 2860-6173
Photographers: Almon Suen: 2860-6174
Jason Chu: 2860-6175
Fax: 2200-4309
Address: 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters,
No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Deadline for next edition: May 6, 2008

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