Identifying best ways
to engage the community

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Constructive and successful engagement with the community is a challenge for police forces across the world. Referring to this situation, Director of Management Services (DMS) Mike Dowie said he had come across a number of "superb" initiatives aimed at engaging local citizens, during his visits to regions and districts.

"Often, the initiatives are driven at a local level by individuals or small groups, with the vision and enthusiasm to make them a success. I would like the Force to learn about these initiatives and share in the vision and enthusiasm of these individuals," added Mr Dowie, who is Chairman of the Advisory Group for Strategic Direction 1 (SD-1), "Engaging the Community".

This recently formed Advisory Group has been busy looking for the best ways to get the most for the Force from the many good community-oriented policing initiatives that are in operation in divisions and districts, without stifling the good work that is taking place on the frontline.

In the Strategic Action Plan 2008-2010 (SAP), five key projects under SD-1 have been assigned to specific policy wings. These projects are aimed at helping frontline units, in the long run, to be more effective with community policing. Yet it is fully recognised that the ongoing effort of all Force members, particularly those in frontline units, provides the key to meeting the objectives of SD-1, "Engaging the Community".

Mr Dowie has formed the Advisory Group to assist him in monitoring the progress of SD-1 and to offer him advice on key projects. Comprising officers at different ranks from all regions and several policy wings, the Advisory Group has formulated key projects.

Senior Superintendent Steve Wordsworth, a member of the Advisory Group from the Inspections Bureau of Service Quality Wing, observed: "In the numerous inspections I have conducted, I have seen that there is a lot of information about the community being generated but not everyone is aware of developments."

Two of the key projects under SD-1 are aimed at presenting information about community policing to frontline officers in the form of best practices and systematic reports.

The Advisory Group is conscious that by highlighting the best practices already underway on the frontline and through a guided and careful development of selected initiatives, the entire Force can benefit.

Yau Tsim District Police Community Relations Officer Lam Suk-yin highlighted the example of how the Force-wide approach to the Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) community has developed. "Originally, the initiative began as a number of local attempts to strengthen the way the ethnic minority groups were being engaged at a regional level. Once the initiatives demonstrated significant success and the early lessons were learnt, the senior management then agreed with the plans for further developments. These NEC projects have now evolved and grown to become a Force-wide initiative, with Kowloon West Region acting as the main coordinator," said Ms Lam.

Police College Senior Force Training Officer Vincent Yeung Fu-yiu commented: "If we can develop a Force-wide common understanding and an appreciation of how important community-oriented policing is for achieving Force Vision, then we will be able to incorporate engaging the community into our culture."

Under two further key projects for SD-1, members of the Police College are currently working to publish a thematic paper on community-oriented policing and will be enhancing the in-service training and experience sharing that has been conducted.

The fifth project in the SAP is aimed at identifying how the Internet and other technologies may be used to better engage the community. As society changes, new community groups emerge - with one such group being called "netizens", that is those "cybercitizens" who are engaged in online communities. The Advisory Group has already been given a presentation on such possibility by Information Systems Wing Chief Inspector (Major Systems) Michael Lai Chi-leung .

The key projects under the current SAP are clearly not all of the options for improving the Force's engagement with the community. The Advisory Group has taken a measured approach to the SAP and focused on a small number of initiatives in the knowledge that good work in this area is ongoing and only limited resources are available.

The next task for the Advisory Group will be to review the initial progress under SD-1. Mr Dowie said: "I'm looking forward to seeing how commanders have approached the topic of engaging the community in their Formation Action Plans. If every Force member clearly understands the purpose of engaging the community and plays their part, no matter how small it may be, then the Force will be making good progress."

DMS Mike Dowie chairing a meeting of his Advisory Group for Strategic Direction on "Engaging the Community"

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