Police College launches
Force Research Award Scheme

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The Hong Kong Police College (HKPC), serving as a central focal point to promote and coordinate research activities in the Force, has launched a Force Research Award Scheme (FRAS). By encouraging the application of systematic research, FRAS aims to continuously enhance the Force's research capability and effectiveness.

FRAS is open to all Major Formations, Formations and individual Force members, including regular and auxiliary officers as well as civilian staff. It serves as a knowledge management vehicle whereby Major Formations and Formations are provided with a platform for greater collaboration and knowledge sharing of their research projects.

The scheme covers both Force research (professional or vocational research on applied policing) submitted by Policy Wings and Regions and academic research related to private studies engaged by Force members on any topics concerning Force policy or performance improvement. Submissions are invited from May 2 to February 28, 2009.

Research - key to continuous improvement

"Police research plays an important function in the Force's decision-making process. Not only does research help the Force build expertise in law enforcement and other police services," said the HKPC Director Cheuk Chun-yin, "but it also facilitates organisational performance improvement. Through systematic research into policing issues, the Force will be more knowledgeable in decision-making concerning management and operational issues, and will ensure that police research is of consistently good quality to efficiently and effectively support organisational performance."

In facing up to complicated policing issues and challenges nowadays, the Force is required to enhance its research capability to support good and timely policy decisions to deal with these challenges.

Repository of professional and expert knowledge

"FRAS will help to build up a bank of professional and expert knowledge to provide the Force with insightful research papers that will qualify for presentation at major international or regional conferences and assist in further research on similar subjects in the future," Mr Cheuk elaborated.

All winning papers and other participating papers considered having good quality by the Judging Panel, will be uploaded to the Force Research Repository for sharing among Force members. The knowledge bank so established will facilitate individuals' lifelong learning in pursuit of lifelong improvement.

A KM vehicle to capture and share knowledge

Chief Superintendent Gavin Brown, Deputy Director of HKPC and Chairman of the FRAS Working Group, said: "FRAS serves to inspire greater interest, enhance professional standards across different sectors of the Force and provide a platform to capture and share quality research reports related to the Force."

"As a token of appreciation, gold, silver and bronze awards will be granted to the winning participants. Prizes will include certificates issued by the Deputy Commissioner (Management) and book vouchers," Mr Brown added.

Force Research Award Scheme 2008-2009


"Improvement of Force policy or performance"

Participants may consider choosing areas related to the Strategic Action Plan 2008-2010, the Commissioner's Operational Priorities 2008 or any other issues that may impact on the Force. FRAS invites both Force research, i.e. professional and vocational research on applied policing and academic research.


FRAS is open to all Major Formations, Formations and individual Force members including regular and auxiliary officers or civilian staff. To ensure fairness and impartiality, Directorate Grade officers of the Police College and all FRAS Working Group members are barred from entering.

Entry Categories

* The Policy Wing Category refers to entries by Policy Wings or Formations within Policy Wings on research projects related to their policy areas.

* The Regional Category refers to entries by Regions, including the Regional HQ units and Districts within Regions on management-initiated research projects.

* The Individual Officer Category is open to all individual Force members (regular/auxiliary/civilian) on research conducted during private study or training assignments.


* Best Quality Award (Gold, Silver and Bronze): for the first three winning papers of each entry category.

* Best Analysis Award: for the best-analysed research paper.

* Best Writing Award: for the research paper with the best writing style and structure.

* Most Relevant Award: for the research paper most relevant to the Force.

* Most Innovative Award: for the research paper that has best demonstrated originality and innovation.

* Best Performed Major Formation Award (Gold, Silver and Bronze): based on the highest aggregated scores among all entries and the number of entries by each Region or Policy Wing.


The entries will be blind reviewed by a Judging Panel formed by serving police officers and external scholars, including the Police College's Honorary Advisors. Decisions of the Judging Panel are final. The assessment criteria will be based on the following four principles:

* Relevance to the Hong Kong Police Force

* Methodology and clarity of analysis

* Structure and style of writing

* Originality and innovation

Rules of FRAS Submission

* Participants may submit more than one research paper and may enter the competition under more than one category. However, each research paper can only enter the scheme once.

* Previously published, commissioned research or research in partnership with external researchers/institutes are eligible subject to clearance of copyright and ownership issues.

* Joint-authorship or submissions under a joint venture with external researchers/institutes under all entry categories is permitted. However, award will only be granted to Force members.

* Research papers completed before 2006 may be eligible if they are still valid in addressing contemporary policing or management issues.

* Papers must be written in English or Chinese.

* The main body of the paper must not exceed 10,000 words.

* Format of submission should follow the e-template provided by the Police College to include an abstract, the main body, a bibliography and selected keywords. Research reports should be double-line typed and compatible with the Force's computer system.

* All entries will be blind-reviewed. For entries under Individual Officer Category, the paper content must not include material that may reveal the identity of the author.

* Plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification.


Participants should submit three printed copies and one softcopy (saved on CD/diskette) of the research paper to the FRAS Working Group, together with a submission form (downloadable at the FRAS website) on or before February 28, 2009. All submissions will be kept and disposed by the FRAS Working Group.

Mailing Address

Force Research Award Scheme Working Group,

20/F Arsenal House,

Police Headquarters,

1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai,

Hong Kong.


May 2, 2008 : Submission Commencement

Feb 28, 2009 : Submission Deadline

May 31, 2009 : Completion of Adjudication

June 2009 : Announcement of results and presentation ceremony


Enquiries: fras@police.gov.hk

URL: http://point.hpf.gov.hk:8088/bbs/training/college/fras/index.htm

Access route: POINT > Formation Sites > Police College > FRA

This Flowchart summarises the essential information of the Force Research Award Scheme

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