Force launches HR Strategic Framework

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The Force has launched the Human Resources (HR) Strategic Framework, marking a key milestone in the Force's development in managing its most valuable asset - the people. The launching also signifies the Force's commitment to adopting a progressive and strategic approach to human resources management for the continued success of the Force and preparing officers for future challenges.

The Force has been developing various strategic directions on human resources management (HRM) since 2001 as part of its overall strategic planning process. The Force Human Resources Strategic Framework (the Strategic Framework) is the result of a dedicated project under the 2005-2008 Three-Year Strategic Action Plan (SAP) to deliver a management framework for the guidance and development of the Force's HRM.

Following endorsement by the senior management, the Strategic Framework was rolled out through a series of road shows conducted by Personnel Wing, led by Chief Superintendent (Human Resources) Chau Kwok-leung, to all Major Formation Commanders and their key staff between December 2007 and January 2008.

The Strategic Framework outlines the Force HRM philosophy by specifying the Force HR objectives, principles and strategies. It provides the basis for a Force-wide HRM approach and visualises the road map of how the collective HR efforts by individual commanders can contribute towards achieving the ultimate Force objectives. It therefore serves as a reference for commanders at all levels to facilitate consistent and concerted efforts by all.

The Strategic Framework is underpinned by the four important Force HR Principles, namely, "Force Efficacy", "Development Focus", "Equal Opportunity" and "Caring Organisation", reflecting the belief and commitment of the Force to these management values and signifying the HRM progress and achievements that the Force has made in recent years. The HR Strategy component, on the other hand, lays down the strategic directions for the Force's HR efforts.

From the work-level perspective, the Strategic Framework highlights the comprehensive range of HRM functions within the Force and emphasises the roles and responsibilities of commanders in general. Indeed, all commanders do have HR responsibilities in respect of the officers working under their command and a role to play in ensuring fairness and openness in day-to-day HR activities. They should therefore understand the Strategic Framework as well as their respective roles and responsibilities with regard to Force HRM, and implement Force HR policies through their command and leadership.

In addition, the Strategic Framework will also facilitate future organisational planning and responsiveness to new challenges.

A brochure covering the Strategic Framework and the commanders' roles and responsibilities have been produced and copies have already been distributed to all officers at Superintendent rank and above, Police Station Resource Centres and Staff Associations since early this month. At the same time, the electronic version is available on POINT to all Force members. In addition, a briefing pack has also been provided to Formation Training and Staff Relations Officers or equivalent for internal briefings.

As a longer term measure to ensure a high level of awareness by newly promoted commanders, arrangement has already been made for regular briefings on the Strategic Framework to be included in all command courses.

In the age of globalisation, the challenges facing policing are great and many; it is therefore essential for the Force, as a whole, to recognise the importance of achieving good human resources management to strengthen both individual and organisational performance so as to successfully fulfil its vision to maintain Hong Kong as one of the safest and most stable cities in the world.

Discussion in progress on the way forward for promoting the Human Resources Strategic Framework

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