Police Mentorship Programme gathers momentum

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The Police Mentorship Programme (PMP), a joint project between the Recruitment Division of the Personnel Wing and eight local universities, entered its fifth anniversary on April 26 when the programme for 2008-09 was launched in the Multi-purpose Hall in Arsenal House. Joining the PMP for the current financial year as mentees are 94 undergraduates selected by the Recruitment Division from the universities.

Officiating at the PMP Inauguration Ceremony, Acting Director of Personnel and Training Tang Kam-moon pointed out that the PMP enabled police mentors to meet the mentees from their alma maters. With frequent interactions between mentors and mentees, positive values could be inculcated into the younger generation.

On the other hand, Mr Tang continued, the PMP provides visits to different police units for the mentees, such as the Police College, Police Tactical Unit's training facilities, Traffic Branch, Marine Region and police stations. They would gain not only a better idea of police work, but also, through contacts with frontline officers, a clearer picture of police operations and the bitters and sweets of police officers' lives. These might, in turn, inspire the mentees to join the Force to serve the community.

For this year's PMP, six officers, who were PMP mentees before joining the Force, have been appointed as assistant mentors. With similar age and education background, these assistant mentors will help to reinforce the communication and sharing of experiences of work and life between mentors and mentees.

Meanwhile, as in previous years, the PMP Job Attachment will continue this summer when the mentees join 25 special police projects, the different facets of which would greatly interest the mentees.

Lastly, Mr Tang thanked the police mentors for sacrificing their free time to guide their mentees. In doing so, the mentors not only repay their alma maters but also show the spirit of their professionalism.

Later at a tea reception, the mentees chatted with their mentors and other police officers in a bid to get more information about police work.

The PMP has been well received by the participating universities, mentees and mentors. That a total of 39 mentees were successful in joining the Force in the last two years indicates that the PMP is a proactive recruitment strategy. The Recruitment Division will continue to refine the PMP in a bid to attract more graduates to join the Force upon graduation.

The Police Mentorship Programme for 2008-09 continues to draw a good response from undergraduates

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