CAPO runs workshops on Conflict Management and Empathetic Listening

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Enhancing the effectiveness of Informal Resolution in complaints handling is one of the strategic priorities of the Complaints Against Police Office (CAPO) this year. In pursuit of this priority, CAPO, with the help of the Police College, organised a total of five workshops on "Conflict Management" and "Empathetic Listening" between February and April, attracting the attendance of 113 inspectorate officers from various Regions.

The workshops were intended to boost, by way of Informal Resolution, the psychological competency and communication skills of the officers who are required to handle complaints.

Two professional speakers, Dr Rosemary Leung and Mr Patrick Kung (ex-Force Training Officer), who helped design the related training materials for the Force, delivered lectures on "Conflict Management" and "Empathetic Listening", during which the attendees practised their newly gained skills through a series of role-play exercises.

The attendees rated the workshops highly and hoped that CAPO would run more similar events in the future.

Guest speakers, Dr Leung and Mr Kung, with Superintendent Cheung Kin-kwong from HQ CAPO

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