Police College helps professionalise training

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Recognising the importance of providing effective, efficient and high quality training to Force members, the Police College has published the Quality Assurance Guidebook Series, which provides useful training concepts and work templates for easy reference. The guidebooks will be of a tremendous value to all Force trainers for their efforts to develop effective training programmes.

Commenting on an effective training programme, Police College Deputy Director Gavin Brown said: "In enhancing quality training, apart from engaging quality trainers, it is essential to follow the core components of a training cycle systematically. It will involve careful training needs analysis, curriculum design, training implementation, and course evaluation. There is also a need to document the work processes of the core components in a professional manner. We realise that the components are interrelated and are building on each other. Since its establishment, the Police College has been implementing a Quality Assurance Mechanism to assure the quality of its training programmes."

The Quality Assurance Guidebook series comprises four booklets, namely, A Guide to Training Needs Analysis, A Guide to Preparation of a Curriculum Handbook, A Guide to Effective Training and A Guide to Training Evaluation. Besides providing a clear conceptual framework essential to the development of effective training programmes, the guidebooks also provide useful work templates.The guidebooks will be distributed to College instructors at Inspectorate rank and above, and copies will also be sent to all Major Formation Commanders through their TSROs and Formations that carry significant training duties. In addition, copies will be available in the Force Library, and an e-version will be uploaded onto the Learning Portal of the Police College for general reference.

Police College Deputy Director Gavin Brown has elaborated on his views on an effective training programme

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