Get ready for LegCo Election 2008

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To prepare for policing of the Legislative Council Election 2008, the Police College organised a Management Development Programme (MDP) seminar on the Election at the PHQ Auditorium on May 7.

The Honourable Mr Justice Pang Kin-kee, Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission, delivered a talk on the Election, as well as Hong Kong's election culture and the challenges for the Election.

Before an audience of over 160 officers, Mr Justice Pang introduced the responsibilities and functions of the Electoral Affairs Commission, and analysed the relevant legislations governing the Election as well as some issues that might attract public concern.

This is the first of a series of two seminars on the "Legislative Council Election 2008". The next seminar will be held at the Auditorium on Tuesday, June 24, starting at 3 pm. It will be the last MDP before the Equestrian events and the Legislative Council Election, which will take place on September 7.

Prof Lau Siu-Kai, Head of the Central Policy Unit, has kindly accepted an invitation to deliver a talk on the subject of "Hong Kong Political Scene and Community Cohesion" at the second MDP seminar. This session is now open to registration by inspectorate officers and above, as well as civilian equivalents. Those interested may register by emailing to ps-to-ssp-pdlc.

Mr Justice Pang Kin-kee delivering a talk on the LegCo Election 2008

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