CC3 architect wins TETRA Award 2008

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Chief Police Telecommunications Engineer Jolly Wong, the chief system architect of the Force's Command, Control and Communications System (CC3), received the Outstanding Contribution to TErrestrial Trunked RAdio (TETRA) Award for 2008 during the TETRA World Congress (TWC) held in Hong Kong from May 26 to 29.

TETRA Association Chairman Phil Godfrey presented the award at the 10th Anniversary Celebration organised by the TETRA Association to mark the 10th birthday of the congress. This is the first time TWC has been held in Asia and the event was a success, attracting 2,000 delegates of the international TETRA community.

In presenting the award, Mr Godfrey said: "Jolly has been a tremendous supporter of TETRA over many years and has helped us promote the technology throughout the world. He is also very well-known as one of the nicest people in the TETRA industry."

Jolly is the chief system architect of CC3, responsible for the digital communications platform used by the 32,000 officers. The CC3 has positioned the Force as one of the most advanced police forces in Asia Pacific. Based on TETRA, an advanced digital trunked mobile radio technology, CC3 supports the seamless and secured police operations to enhance the operational effectiveness of frontline police officers. TETRA is not simply a technology but an enabling tool to transform officers with a digital mindset that empowers officers on the ground to make more informed decisions so as to better serve the community.

The TETRA MoU (Memorandum of Understanding), now known as the TETRA Association, was established in December 1994 to create a forum which could act on behalf of all interested parties, including users, manufacturers, application providers, integrators, operators, test houses and telecom agencies. Today the TETRA Association represents more than 150 international organisations, including police forces, from all continents, for the development of the global standard of TETRA.

CPTE Jolly Wong receives the TETRA Award from TETRA Association Chairman, Mr Phil Godfrey

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