Partnership on Critical Intrastructure
and Key Point Protection

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Over 120 representatives from 80 companies and organisations attended a seminar on protection of Critical Infrastructures and Key Points, organised by Operations Wing on June 3 in support of the Strategic Direction Action Plan 2008-2010 "Engaging the Community" and the Commissioner's Operational Priority for promoting community awareness of terrorist activity.

In her opening address at the seminar, Senior Superintendent (Operations) Tsang Yim-sheung described the seminar as the first important step to forge a strong partnership between the police and facility owners and operators to protect Critical Infrastructures and Key Points against major incidents, especially terrorist attack. The seminar would enhance mutual understanding, strengthen liaison and serve as a very good platform for exchanging intelligence and sharing security advice and good practices by the police and facility operators.

During the seminar, a Five-pronged Approach for Critical Infrastructure and Key Point Protection, formulated by the Counter Terrorism Task Force led by Operations Wing, was introduced. The approach includes the following features: -

"Early Engagement" - Engaging facility owners and operators as well as police formations in making early preparation for protection.

"Prevention" - Updating facility owners and operators on the current terrorist threat, and advising them on security measures and exercise planning.

"Protection" - Affording protective coverage to facilities with reference to threat level and assessment.

"Response" - Promptly responding to major incidents in accordance with the Response Plan.

"Recovery" - Activating the Recovery Plan to ensure the earliest recovery of facilities to normal operation.

The attendees were particularly reminded that the first two features - Early Engagement and Prevention - are important and that through exchange of intelligence and implementation of effective security measures corresponding to a changing threat level, the chance of attack would be minimised.

Other presenters at the seminar included Key Point and Search Division Superintendent Lee Kiu-ki, Security Wing Superintendent Ko Kim-fung, Bomb Disposal Officer Chow Shek-kin, and Crime Prevention Bureau Senior Inspector Emyr Watkin. They delivered comprehensive presentations on the protection policy for Critical Infrastructures and Key Points, the current terrorist threat to Hong Kong, advice on actions to take when suspicious objects are found, crime prevention and security measures.

The seminar drew lively discussions and positive feedback by the participants.

In his closing address, SP Lee stressed that the seminar only marked the beginning of efforts to establish partnership with facility owners, and that Operations Wing would continue organising similar events to promote intelligence exchange. The Formations concerned would follow-up with facility owners and operators on implementation of the Five-pronged Approach.

The seminar is the first step to forge partnership with facility owners and operators

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