Force contributes to a 'Greener Tomorrow'

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The Force showcased its latest environment-friendly vehicles at the biennial Asian Securitex 2008 Conference and Exhibition at the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Centre between June 4 and 6. Hundreds of exhibitors from more than 40 countries displayed their latest technologies at the conference, which has traditionally enjoyed Force support through representation on the conference advisory panel by officers from the Crime Prevention Bureau.

This year's exhibition was a four-in-one trade show that combined electrical installations with building interior design, technology, security, and fire protection. As this year's theme was "Building for an Innovative Today and a Greener Tomorrow", the Force was invited to showcase its latest environment-friendly vehicles, including a zero-emission electric scooter and a hybrid patrol car. The wholly electric-powered scooter is on trial and was recently used during the Beijing Olympic Torch Relay, whilst the environment-friendly patrol car can be seen on a daily basis in and around the Disneyland Resort.

Commissioner Tang King-shing visited the Force's exhibition booth after giving an opening address at the conference when Force Motor Transport Officer Robin Jolly explained the benefits of zero emission vehicles. Besides the obvious environmental benefits to zero emission, the scooter's high energy efficiency, endurance and potential low whole life cost present an attractive option to the Force's small motorcycle fleet.

The three-day exhibition attracted over 15,000 visitors from the Asian region, many of whom took an interest in the Force's latest innovations towards a "Greener Tomorrow".

Commissioner Tang King-shing visits the Force's exhibition booth at the Asian Securitex 2008 Conference and Exhibition

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